川崎 ZX 130U C control
Spot welding, material handling, sealing,by producing many different robots to suit various applications, Kawasaki has greatly contributed to automated production lines for automotive and general industries. Kawasaki is introducing the new Z series heavy-duty robot, which is developed using Kawasaki's advanced technology and extensive experience in robotics. Z series consists of eight models and is available in floor mount ZX and shelf mount ZT configuration. Kawasaki D Controller is upgraded for the Z series robots.
Robot Motion Speed:
•Axis 2: 110º/seg
•Axis 3: 110º/seg
•Axis 4: 140º/seg
•Axis 5: 135º/seg
•Axis 6: 230º/seg
Robot Applications:
アーク溶接 , パレタイズ , 部品のロードとアンロード , 部品の取り扱い , 部品の組み立て